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Tips for new hearing aid users

For those who have recently purchased or have been issued hearing aids for the first time, it might take a few weeks getting used to the devices. However, once you’ve become acquainted with all of the settings, technology and comfort, there is no telling how many auditory advantages you will be provided with. There are 8.5 million hearing aid wearers in the United States, and 585,000 will become full-time auditory device users for the first time. Here are a few tips to keep in mind that can help you adjust to life with hearing aids quickly, and let you grow into shaping a revolutionary auditory experience.

Utilize your resources
In the weeks leading up to being tested and fitted for your hearing aids, understanding all of the information you have received from a hearing health care professional is crucial to the learning process. Do not be afraid to ask your audiologist the most minute of questions, and be sure to write down and follow up on every answer you receive. Knowing what each setting will provide for a certain environment is the secret to understanding your hearing aid. If your device is causing discomfort, do not hesitate to schedule a meeting with your audiologist to see if you will be supplied with a new pair right away.

Start out slow
When you first receive your hearing aids, it is not advised to begin wearing them in your ears for the majority of the day. Typically, you will want to keep them in for a maximum of 4-6 hours a day in the first few weeks of ownership. When you begin usage, get acquainted with your hearing aids by sitting in a quiet room to get adjusted to the new and improved sound quality. You may not be used to the clarity of generic household appliances, so the ticking of a clock or microwave beep could sound extremely loud at first. Tweak your volume settings to help get a feel for where your devices should be tuned. Speaking out loud to yourself is another way to monitor your hearing aid levels. This can also help you understand how loud your voice was before you regularly wore hearing aids.

Common first-time experiences
It is inevitable that certain auditory occasions will arise during the first few weeks of hearing aid usage that might make you believe the equipment is faulty. These are normal side effects of your ears getting used to the new sounds, and it should not be anything to become alarmed over. Some of these basic side effects can include:

• Every sounding seeming too loud
• Your voice sounding different than usual
• Inability to understand other people’s voices
• The devices seeming extremely noisy while outside
• Ears feeling too plugged up

All of these symptoms are essentially your ears getting used to all of these newly amplified sounds. After you have worn your hearing aids for a few weeks to help your hearing adjust to the device settings, all of these side effects should wear off. If you are still experiencing any one of these reactions after nearly a month of usage, contact your audiologist immediately.

Hearing aid care
After you start becoming comfortable with your hearing aids, knowing the proper care to preserve their longevity is the next step in device usage. Remember to always either turn off your batteries or take them out when you are not using them to help keep the batteries charged. Avoid leaving your devices out in the sun and never expose them to water or moisture. The better condition you keep your hearing aids in, the better your hearing will always be.