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A high animal protein diet may improve quality of life for elderly men

It is no secret what a diet high in protein can offer to anyone, especially the elderly. Protein is essential to every component of the body, ranging from hair and nails to reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease. But there are several different types of protein, and researchers are now suggesting that adding more animal protein into your daily diet can help produce higher levels of physical and psychological ability, as well as senior independence in men.

Researchers from Tohoku University in Japan recently tested 1,007 individuals who were grouped with an average age of 67.4 years to see if boosting their intake of of animal protein had positive effects on their bodies. While life expectancies have continued to rise in many countries all around the world, this has also signaled higher counts of functional decline, which can range from decreased cognitive ability to social detachment. The colleagues hoped to identify if animal protein could help ward off inevitable declines in cognition that often naturally come about through aging.

The subjects were administered to a food questionnaire at the beginning of the study, and one at the end of testing seven years later. The participants were grouped into different sets of protein intake levels, which were divided into animal, plant and total proteins. The researchers focused primarily on which protein levels influenced higher ratings of social and intellectual aspects, in addition to measures regarding the subject’s overall quality of life.

The doctors found that men who were taking the most animal protein were able to decrease their chances of experiencing higher-level functional decline by 39 percent, compared to those who were taking the lowest levels of animal protein. Dr. Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi, a member of the of the National Institute of Health and Nutrition in Japan and a lead contributor to the study, was certain that her team’s conclusions could help improve everyday life for elderly members of society.

“Identifying nutritional factors that contribute to maintaining higher-level functional capacity is important for prevention of future deterioration of activities of daily living,” Tsubota-Utsugi said in a statement. “Along with other modifiable health behaviors, keeping higher protein intake could contribute to maintain elderly functional capacity.”

Sources of efficient animal protein
Protein that is consumed through eating meats rich in nutrients can provide you with everything from delivering essential amino acids throughout the body to building stronger bones. Animal-based proteins are often referred to as “complete” proteins, because of their ability to sufficiently supply key amino acids that aren’t found in proteins adsorbed from vegetarian foods. According to the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention, men are recommended to ingest a daily intake of at least 56 grams of protein. A few of the best sources of animal protein include:

  • Grass-fed beef (4 ounces equals more than 50 percent of your daily protein needs)
  • Salmon (one-half of a filet equates to 80 percent of your daily protein needs)
  • Grilled chicken (4 ounces equals 36 grams of protein for your body)
  • Tuna (one can of tuna contains 40 grams of protein)

Applying more animal protein to your diet can not only offer a health and longer life for the elderly, but could have you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated in no time.