Many organizations and groups make claims about herbal supplements, but it’s important to talk with your doctor before you try them, especially because some herbal remedies can interfere with medications that you are currently taking.
However, there are various herbal supplements that may have a protective effect on hearing, but the research is – for the most part – not well-established for actual hearing loss treatments.
Here’s what to know about claims that herbal supplements can be effective hearing loss solutions:
Folic acid
Folic acid is important for many things, including fetal development, which is why it’s so important for pregnant women to take. These days, most of us get enough folic acid as various foods are fortified with it – everything from dry cereals to orange juice. Some research has linked poor hearing with low levels of folate, but it’s not clear that folate supplements can slow age-related hearing loss.
There has been some promising research that magnesium in combination with the antioxidants including vitamins A, C, and E has a protective effect against noise-induced hearing loss. If you don’t have hearing loss but feel you are at risk for NIHL, talk to your doctor about whether magnesium supplements are a good idea. And keep in mind that it’s always a good idea to eat foods that contain vitamins A, C and E, such as red peppers, broccoli, eggs and healthy fatty fish.
Other supplements
There are some claims that gingko biloba can treat hearing loss, but they seem mostly unfounded. There is some good research that omega-3 fatty acids could delay the onset of age-related hearing loss, but much is dependent upon genetics.
Talk to your doctor to see if any of these supplements might be right for you, and he or she can also refer you to an audiologist to have your hearing tested.