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How to Protect Your Ears during Spring Cleaning

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the chirping of birds, budding of tulips and shedding of winter coats and layers! Another thing that signals the change of seasons is spring cleaning – an out-with-the-old way to say goodbye to winter and move on to sunny skies.

Much spring cleaning involves yard work and other outdoor activities that have the potential to damage your hearing. According to the National Institutes of Health, at least 26 million American adults have high-frequency hearing loss caused by an overexposure to loud noises. And, on a regular basis, more than 30 million Americans are exposed to dangerous levels of noise.

Though spring cleaning is a must, here’s what you need to know to protect your precious hearing this spring:

What is noise-induced hearing loss?

Noised-induced hearing loss occurs when we are exposed to harmful noise. This can be either continuous exposure to loud sounds, or an impulse exposure, which is one instance of exposure to sounds at incredibly high decibels – such as an explosion – that causes near-instant hearing loss. Though much research is currently being done on the topic, NIHL is thus far permanent, because the sensitive hair cells that are damaged by noise cannot grow back or be repaired.

What types of spring cleaning might pose a risk of NIHL?

Noise that has the potential to damage our hearing is anything that registers at 85 decibels (dB) or higher. Here are common outdoor implements that people use while preparing for spring or summer that have the potential to damage hearing:

  • Drill: up to 100 dB
  • Lawn mower: up to 95 dB
  • Weed whacker: up to 96 dB
  • Leaf blower: up to 105 dB

Additionally, when cleaning in your home, you should know that some vacuum cleaners can be more than 85 dB, depending on the model. Thus, it’s important to check the manufacturer’s site or instructions when purchasing a vacuum. Also during spring cleaning, many people like to test their smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are functioning properly. But smoke detectors are much louder than 85 dB, especially when you are standing on a chair to test it with your ears mere inches from the source.

How can I protect myself from NIHL?

The important thing to know is that NIHL is 100 percent preventable. It’s important to inform yourself about the dangers of noise. If something sounds too loud to you, it probably is. When doing any of the above activities, make sure to wear earplugs, specialized earmuffs or other devices specifically meant for protecting your hearing.