When people start to wonder if they have hearing loss, or a family member lovingly tells them they might be hard of hearing, many questions arise. Many people question whether they actually have hearing loss because they can hear, it’s just that what they hear isn’t very clear.
However, there are many degrees of hearing loss. People who do not have diagnosable hearing loss can actually have up to a 15 decibel (dB) hearing loss. Here’s how degree of hearing loss is labeled and defined in decibels, according to Gallaudet University and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA):
- Slight: 15 to 25 dB loss (a watch ticking) – Some professionals and others classify slight hearing loss as “normal” because it is so minimal.
- Mild: 26 to 40 dB loss (quiet conversation) – When someone has mild hearing loss, the quietest sound he or she can hear is between 25 and 39 dB. With mild hearing loss, following speech can be difficult, especially in noisy environments or when someone is whispering.
- Moderate: 41 to 55 dB loss (electric toothbrush) – With moderate hearing loss, the quietest sound heard is between 40 and 69 dB. People with moderate hearing loss have trouble hearing regular speech, even up close or in a quiet office environment. People with moderate hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids.
- Moderately severe: 56 to 70 dB loss (dishwasher) – With moderately severe hearing loss, it can be difficult to understand everyday conversations or even to hear a telephone ring.
- Severe: 71 to 90 dB loss (police whistle) – Someone with severe hearing loss only hears loud sounds, like a door slamming, sirens, the TV turned up high or very loud speech. A person with severe hearing loss will likely still need to use sign language or speechread, even with hearing aids.
- Profound: >91 dB loss (car horn) – When someone has profound hearing loss, sounds that can be painfully loud to others, such as power tools or motorcycles, are difficult for him or her to hear. Usually, the quietest sound someone who is profoundly hard of hearing can hear is at least 95 dB. People with profound hearing loss usually need to lipread or use sign language for successful conversation.
Though hearing loss varies by degree and can progress, there are hearing loss solutions and assistive listening devices that are right for you, no matter your type of hearing loss. One great device that people with all degrees of hearing loss can find success with is the CapTel captioned telephone. It works like a regular phone, except that it has a screen that displays each word of your phone conversation so you don’t miss a thing.