Health is a big topic of many people’s New Year’s resolutions, whether that means focusing on physical health by vowing to hit the gym more frequently, or working on emotional health by spending more time with friends. The new year is also a great time to give a little attention to your ears. Here are some of our best hearing health resolutions for 2014:
Get a checkup
When you visit your primary care physician for your annual wellness visit, consider asking him or her for a basic hearing test as well. Your doctor can then recommend you to an audiologist if she or he thinks your hearing warrants further inspection. The average wait time between realizing one has hearing loss and making the decision to get hearing checked is seven years! But in that time, you can miss out on so many special connections and moments. Many people like to bring a friend, spouse or family member with them for support, which is a great idea.
Consider assistive devices
If you have hearing loss, maybe you aren’t yet ready for hearing aids, or you need some extra listening support in various activities. Make a resolution this year to check into assistive listening devices like the CapTel captioned telephone, which can make it much easier to talk on the telephone. Captions are displayed on a screen so you can both read and listen to the conversation – helping you to never miss a word.
Other devices include various personal amplifiers, which are often discreet and can help in one-on-one situations like riding in the car or having lunch with a friend.
Work on communication
If you’re living with hearing loss, you know that it can sometimes make communication difficult and occasionally frustrating. So for the new year, work on improving your communication with family members and friends. A good place to start is by letting others know your needs so they can adapt. Tell them if you need the TV turned off to eliminate background noise, or if it would be better for you to have lunch in a quieter restaurant. You can also vow to be patient with yourself and others regarding communication.
Network with others who have hearing loss
It might be a good idea to join a local or online support group to meet other people living with hearing loss. You could learn their tips and tricks as well as how they help family members and friends understand hearing loss. Networks are a great way to stay connected to others. To start, check to see if the Hearing Loss Association of America has a chapter near you.