Winter weather has arrived in many parts of the U.S., and there are several things to celebrate. It’s also a good idea to take a few simple precautions to make sure you’re safe all winter. Here are some ways to prepare for winter and keep yourself healthy:
Get your vehicle ready
If you drive and it generally gets snowy and icy in your area, make sure to have the air pressure and tread checked on your tires or to put snow tires on your car. Also, have your car serviced for winter – have the oil checked or changed, the antifreeze adjusted for cold temperatures and de-icer fluid added to your wipers to keep the spray from freezing.
Additionally, pack a safety kit in your car that includes bottles of water, protein bars, matches in a water proof case, a flashlight with batteries, warm clothing and blankets and a utility knife. It’s not likely that you’ll need these things, but it’s good to be prepared no matter the time of year.
Prepare around your home
Stock up on salt and a shovel. If you plant to shovel yourself, make sure to wear a hat and insulated gloves. Here are some other shoveling tips to keep you safe and injury-free:
- You’ve heard it before, but make sure to lift with your legs and keep your back straight since back injuries are common in people of all ages.
- Get our there early so you only have to shovel fresh snow – if the snow has been there for awhile and is packed down, it will be more difficult to deal with.
- Stretch before you shovel. It may sound silly, but shoveling is a strenuous exercise. Do a few stretches first to get the blood flowing and your muscles loose.
- Keep the salt and shovel inside your home or garage. If you keep these items outside, you may have to walk through unshoveled, potentially icy areas to retrieve them.
Don’t shovel your own driveway if you have an injury or feel unwell. If you plan to ask someone like a friend or teenager in the neighborhood to shovel for you, ask ahead of time so you make sure there’s an agreement that that person will come over right after it has snowed every time. Slippery sidewalks and driveways are a major risk factor for falls.
Heating safety
There are also some safety precautions to take in the winter when heating your home, including:
- Have your furnace checked to make sure it is in good condition and operating safely.
- Have chimneys and flues checked to make sure there is no debris.
- If you use a space heater, purchase the kind that immediately turns off if tipped over. Keep space heaters at least three feet from curtains, bedding, furniture or anything else that could catch fire.
Fires are more common during the winter months, so if you have hearing loss, purchase a vibrating and flashing strobe smoke detector and make sure it is in working order with new batteries.