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New study on physical activity and healthy aging

Staying active is good for the health in quantifiable ways, shows new research.
Staying active is good for the health in quantifiable ways, shows new research.

It’s common knowledge that at least a certain amount of physical activity is good for health. But more and more research is pointing to just how important it is to stay active for healthy aging. One recent study quantified the level of health for active versus inactive older adults.

In the study, which was published in November 2013 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers from University College London found a very strong link between sustained physical activity and healthy aging. They tracked nearly 3,500 people with an average age of 64 for more than eight years, all of whom were part of the English Longitudinal Study of Aging.

The participants disclosed their level of physical activity between 2002 and 2003, and then once every two years between 2010 and 2011. Each individual was categorized as inactive, active, moderately active and vigorously active. In the subsequent check-ins, participants were given a ranking of always inactive, became inactive, became active or always active to account for changes in their exercise habits. The study assessed the adults’ mental health, cognitive abilities and measure of physical ability.

In the end, one in five adults studied was aging healthfully, and researchers found that this characteristic was directly linked to the amount of exercise this group had engaged in. People who had been inactive but became physically active were three times as likely to age healthfully than those who stayed inactive. Most tellingly, adults who had regular physical activity over the entire period of study were seven times more likely to be healthy agers than people who were consistently inactive.

What this study reveals is that physical activity is monumental in senior health. However, not every type of exercise is for everyone. Before beginning an exercise plan, talk with your doctor who can help you discern the best type of activity and amount of activity for you and your specific needs.