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Tips for managing your medications

Here are some tips to help you safely manage, organize and store your medications.
Here are some tips to help you safely manage, organize and store your medications.

If you start taking a new medication, it can take awhile for it to become part of your daily routine. If you have more than a few medications, it’s a lot of information to keep track of. Here are some tips to help you manage your medications so you don’t miss a dose and can take your medicines effectively and safely:

Keep a medication list
In a safe place, either written or typed up on the computer, keep a chart of each medication you take. The chart should include the following information:

  • The brand name of your medication, with the generic name in parentheses.
  • The form of your medication, including whether it is a pill, liquid, injection or patch. You might also want to include a description, such as “small orange tablet with M on one side and 23 on the other side.”
  • The dosage, which is usually in milligrams.
  • Why you are taking the medication. If you take several medications, it’s good to have a refresher of why exactly this was provided.
  • Which doctor prescribed the medicine, and on what day it was prescribed.
  • How much you should take and when to take it.
  • If the medication is used regularly or occasionally. It’s still important to keep track of medications that are prescribed to be taken as needed.
  • The day you started taking the medicine and when you stopped or are supposed to stop.
  • Any special directions, such as “must be taken with food.”

It’s good to have two copies of your medication list and to bring a copy with you each time you visit a new doctor. Make sure to also include herbal supplements and over-the-counter medications in your chart. It’s also good to organize this information into a calendar of pills per day and time of day, especially if you don’t use a pill organizer.

Safely store your medications
Here are some tips for making sure your medications are stored safely:

  • Always keep your medications in their original containers. Sometimes people add pills to a different container, especially for traveling so as not to bring several bottles, but this is never a good idea because it’s easy to make a mistake. The only exception to this safety rule is if you keep your pills per day or week in a pill organizer.
  • Keep your medication in a medicine cabinet or in another cool, dark and dry place. Humidity can reduce the effectiveness of certain medicines. Some medications have specific directions for storage, such as refrigerating them, so make sure you know what’s needed.

Other tips
Here are other great tips to help you manage your medications:

  • If you don’t fully understand the directions for use, ask your doctor or pharmacist to repeat them. Call the pharmacist or doctor if you have any questions about side effects, dosage or anything else related to each medicine.
  • Find ways to remember when to take your pills, like working them into your morning routine if that’s possible. Get a pill organizer and have a friend or family member help you if necessary. Sign up for automatic refill reminders from your pharmacy, and find an app with text message alerts that reminds you when to take your pills.
  • Don’t stop taking a prescription without asking your doctor first, and don’t take more or less than prescribed.