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What to know about osteoarthritis

Like hearing loss, osteoarthritis can be a common part of aging. It is one of the most common types of arthritis, and most often affects people in late adulthood. Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage in the joints wears away, causing bones to rub against each other and feel stiff. The knees, hips, hands and spine are the most commonly affected areas. This condition can happen to anyone as they age and their cartilage wears down, but it most often affects:

  • Women
  • People who are overweight
  • People with joint injuries
  • Individuals whose work involves strenuous labor or repetitive motions

Osteoarthritis often develops slowly over time – it can start in early adulthood and progress as we age. Here are the signs:

  • Stiffness when you wake up in the morning or after sitting for a while.
  • Pain in the joints during or after movement.
  • Tenderness when light pressure is applied.
  • Grating feeling when you move or use the joint.
  • Lack of flexibility, where the joint no longer has full range of motion.
  • Bone spurs, which are extra pieces of bone on joints with osteoarthritis.

When you visit your doctor, he or she will test your range of motion and then potentially take an x-ray, MRI, blood test and/or joint fluid analysis. These methods can determine whether you have osteoarthritis or some other condition.

Prevention and pain management
You can minimize your risks of getting osteoarthritis, or at least having pain from it, in some of the following ways:

  • Get exercise and stay active. Biking, swimming and walking are easy on the joints but are still good cardio workouts. Use light weights to do strengthening exercises, which are important because they improve the strength of muscles, which can better support the joints.
  • Lose weight if necessary by choosing a healthy diet and exercise plan. Taking extra weight off your joints can help them feel better by reducing pressure.
  • Rest when you need it. If you have a flare up of pain or inflammation, rest for between 12 and 24 hours.
  • Use heat and cold therapy, as well as over-the-counter pain meds per your doctor’s advice.