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Many older adults are taking on encore careers

Some people love to be busy and can’t imagine what they’ll do with themselves once they retire, while others continue to work for financial reasons. If you fit either description, you’re not alone. In fact, rather than retiring, it’s increasingly common for older adults to take on encore careers – ending an original, long-running career to embark on completely new endeavors, like opening their own businesses, teaching or working for nonprofits.

According to the most recent census, 16 percent of the U.S. population aged 65 or older – about 6.7 million people – were part of the labor force in 2010. This number has surely increased – it was projected to grow to about 11 million senior workers by 2018. It’s likely that many of these adults are working in completely new industries.

Continuing to work can be good for keeping your mind active and retaining your senior independence. In a recent article featured in The New York Times, Marci Alboher, who quit her lucrative law practice and took courses and training to become a journalist in mid-life, said that although she took a serious pay cut, it was worth it to her to stay active and help others:

“It’s impossible not to notice that some things aren’t what they used to be – my vision, the shine of my hair, my ability to remember names. Still, I’m convinced the one thing that doesn’t dim with age is the chance to change people’s lives for the better, even our own,” Alboher said.

She isn’t alone. There’s even a national nonprofit, called Encore, for older adults to find their second career, branding itself as “second acts for the greater good.” In another recent Times article, film critic Robert Strauss wrote about how he started trying out second careers – refereeing lacrosse and basketball games and signing up to be a grader of the writing portion of the SAT, the college entrance exam. He’s found fun ways to make a little cash while serving his community.