Do you misplace your keys or the TV remote a little more frequently than you used to? Just as it’s natural for people to experience hearing loss as they age, it’s normal to get a bit more forgetful, too. There are various assistive listening devices available for older adults living with hearing loss and, likewise, there are many ways for older adults to preserve and maximize their memories, even through small lifestyle changes.
Be positive
A 2013 study published in the journal Cognition and Emotion found that adults ages 63 to 85 who were induced with positive feelings were more likely to have a better working memory on a task they were asked to perform than others. This suggests that finding ways to boost your mood and have a positive outlook can help your working memory.
Stay connected
Surprisingly, Australian researchers who tracked 700 people for 15 years found that those who stayed in close touch with friends and had richer social lives had better memories. If you’re living with hearing loss, staying connected is easy with a CapTel captioned telephone that lets you read what your friends say over the phone. You won’t miss a word, and you may boost your memory.
Get active
According to the Mayo Clinic, physical activity like jogging, brisk walking, swimming or aerobics boosts blood flow throughout the body, including the brain, and has been shown in research studies to improve memory. Also – keep your brain active. Harvard’s health journal says that being a lifelong learner is a great way to preserve your memory. Have a friend or family member teach you a new hobby or take a class at your local community college, for example. It’s never too late to learn, and it will boost your memory, too.