Ultratec, Inc. is pleased to announce the new CapTel 840i telephone, the latest addition to the company’s Captioned Telephone line of products and services that help people with hearing loss use the phone. The CapTel 840i is designed for use with high-speed Internet service, giving people the advantage of written text captions to help understand what their phone callers say.
Unlike previous CapTel models, the CapTel 840i includes a built in answering machine. The answering machine records voice messages and captions of the message that was left. This new feature ensures that users will always stay connected, even when they are not home to answer the call.
In addition to the answering machine, the CapTel 840i also features an extra large caption screen, multiple font size and color options and is the first CapTel phone designed to be WiFi compatible.
With the CapTel 840i, captions appear automatically on all calls, incoming and outgoing. There is no need for callers to dial through the Captioning Service. Captions can be turned on or off at any time during a call.
The new CapTel 840i requires both telephone service and high-speed or broadband Internet access. The telephone connection can be any telephone service, including standard analog line, VOIP connection, DSL, or cable modem telephone service (an analog port is required for use with a digital PBX). The Ethernet connection can be any basic broadband Internet service (it does not work with dial-up connections) or a Wireless (WiFi) network. Home settings that do not have a wireless network may need a router or switch to connect more than one device to the Internet service. Internet modem and/or router should support DHCP. Users should also check if a firewall is active on either the modem or the router, as it might interfere with connecting the CapTel 840i to the individual’s network.
People who do not already have Internet access should consider the CapTel 800, an alternative phone that relies on standard analog telephone lines instead of an Internet connection.
The new phone is expected to be available in May 2012.