Can CapTel improve your tennis score? While hearing loss may not affect your tennis serve, it’s difficult to schedule court time when you can’t hear clearly over the phone. Just ask Beverly Sudler of Union, New Jersey.
“I am an avid doubles tennis player – addicted to the game!” Beverly explains. She relies on her CapTel phone to make tennis dates and schedule court time. “Without this phone, I would not be included in games. Everyone I play with has ‘normal’ hearing!”
How did Beverly cope before she started using CapTel? “I kept buying a variety of phones which did not provide much clarity. I stopped after #12,” chuckles Beverly. “It was totally frustrating.”
But as Beverly points out, CapTel is not just all for “fun and games”. “In an emergency when time is a factor, it is an indispensable device and it is imperative that hard of hearing people have access to this technology.”
“The CapTel phone has given me freedom and independence. I do not have to ask anyone to help me,” declares Beverly. “I like to do things by myself and CapTel gives me this empowerment.” Sounds like a winning combination.